1. Find the mean. 23, 45, 25, 31, 18, 2. What is another word for mean?, 3. Find the range. 101, 124, 98, 141, 132, 156, 4. Find the median. 35, 45, 85, 61, 22, 78, 5. Find the mode. 18, 24, 26, 18, 26, 24, 30, 6. What are my steps for finding the mean?, 7. Find the mode. 46, 52, 34, 78, 47, 46, 28, 45, 8. Find the median. 154, 241, 163, 178, 208, 9. Find the range. 654, 548, 251, 547, 845, 352, 10. Find the mean. 15, 24, 26, 34, 21, 28, 75, 89, 91, 55, 11. What happens if I have an even data set and I'm trying to find the median? , 12. What are my steps for finding the range of a data set?, 13. What does it mean if something has variability?, 14. How do I find the mode?, 15. Find the mean. 478, 351, 456, 584, 286, 16. Find the range. 45.8, 58.25, 18, 96.15, 16.50, 17. What order do I always put my data set in?, 18. Find the mode. 49, 54, 53, 47, 49, 56, 49, 54, 41, 54, 19. Find the median. 29.5, 36, 24, 28.5, 47, 27, 20. Find the mean. 89, 64, 26, 48, 51, 30, 52, 73, 21. Find the mean AND median. 25, 28, 26, 24, 21, 23, 22. Find the mode and range. 164, 184, 123, 152, 165, 164, 23. True or False: The amount of students in school everyday shows a lot of variability. , 24. Find the median. 142, 165, 165.8, 142.3, 158.9, 25. What is missing? Mean, mode, range, 26. True or False: The mean of the following data set is 21.4 18, 24, 25, 21, 19, 27. Order the following from least to greatest: 12.8, 14.2, 10.9, 12.6, 13.5, 11.4, 28. True or False: The median of the following data set is 32. 48, 25, 32, 10, 68, 54, 29. Find the mode and median. 78.5, 19.8, 36.3, 74.6, 78.5, 78.5, 89.2, 30. Find the mean and range. 486, 789, 658, 351, 951, 260.
Mean, Median, Mode, & Range
6th Grade
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