Moses - He led the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt, Aaron - Moses's brother, Miriam - Moses's sister, Darkness - The 9th plague, Frogs - The 2nd plague, Pharaoh - King of Egypt, Yocheved - Moses's mother, Burning Bush - Place where God 1st told Moses to go to Pharaoh, Red Sea - Name of the body of water the Children of Israel crossed, Seder - Means "Order" or Passover meal, Haggadah - Book we use at the seder, Elijah - Prophet we open the door for at the seder, Marror - Bitter Herbs, Charoset - Mixture of apples, nuts, cinnamon & wine , Karpas - Vegetable reminding us of Spring, Kadesh - 1st step of the seder when we say Kiddush, Beitza - Egg, Three - Number of matzot on the seder table, Four - Number of cups of wine at the seder, Pesach - What Passover is called in Hebrew,
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