bad-tempered - Her father was a __________ man who sat alone drinking beer and watching TV most nights., bossy - Kevin's mother is really ________, she controls everything., cautious - Keller is ________ about making predictions for the success of the program., considerate - He was always kind and ____________., creative - You’re so _________! I could never make my own clothes., cruel - The prisoner was a hard ________ man., eccentric - Our neighbour is an __________ old lady who has about 25 cats., gullible - How can you be so ________! He's not really French., industrious - Most of the students I knew at college were serious and _____________., insecure - She’s very insecure about her appearance., intelligent - Mark was an _________, ambitious young man, with a great future in front of him., judgemental - You're being too __________., outgoing - She seems ____________ enough but she keeps things locked inside her., passionate - She was a handsome Spanish woman with a ___________ nature and a warm, generous heart., sociable - She's a friendly, _________ woman., selfless - He dedicated his entire life to ________ service to his country., self-satisfied - He was in his early 40s and had the ___________air of someone who has achieved fame and success., shrewd - She was _________ enough to guess who was responsible., spontaneous - I'm trying to be more ___________., stingy - She’s too ________ to give money to charity., stubborn - Dave can be really __________ once he’s made up his mind., sympathetic - I’m ____________ to parents who are worried about what their children see on television., untrustworthy - As far as John was concerned women were _____________ and unpredictable., vain - She's a ___________ girl who is always thinking about her figure.,
Solutions Upper 1A
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