Meteorite - Meteors that hit the Earth's surface , Jupiter - Largest planet, Comets - Has a tail, made up of dust, ice, and gas. Called dirty snowballs, Asteroids - Rocky objects that are located between Mars and Jupiter, Meteoroid - Small than asteroids and made up of rock or metal that revolve around the sun., Meteor - Rock or debris that burn up in the Earth's atmosphere. Known as "shooting stars" , Earth - 3rd rock from the sun, How many planets in our solar system - 8 planets, Inner Planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Outer Planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune , Suns gravitational pull - Causes planets to stay in orbit, Moon - Revolves round the Earth, Sun - Planets revolve around this , Ellipse - Pathway that planets take when revolving around the sun , Revolve - Go around the sun , Rotate - Earth spins on its axis ,
Asteroids, comets, meteors, planets
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