1) How many Matzot do we have on the Seder plate? a) 4 b) 5 c) 3 d) 2 e) 6 f) 1 2) What do the 3 Matzot represent? a) Kohen, Levi, Yisroel b) Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov c) Pesach, Matza, Maror d) Chametz, Bedikat Chametz, Biyur Chametz e) Miriam, Moshe, Aaron f) Curly, Moe, Larry 3) What do we start counting down to on the 2nd night of Pesach? a) To Shavuot b) To the end of school c) To the end of Pesach d) To July 4th e) To Lag B'Omer f) To Color War 4) What are the 3 words we must say at the Seder? a) Korech, Kiddush, Marror b) Hallel, Urchatz, Rachtzah c) Pesach, Matza, Maror d) Chacham, Rasha, Tam e) Red, White, Blue f) Jerusalem, Tiveria, Tzfat 5) When do we do Bedikat Chametz a) 6 hours before the Seder b) Night of 14th of Nissan c) Morning of the Seder d) 15th of Nissan at nightfall e) 30 days before Pesach f) Right after the 2nd Seder 6) How many cups of wine/grape juice must we drink at the Seder? a) 3 b) 2 c) 5 d) depends on how old you are e) 4 f) it is based on your weight 7) After how many minutes of flour and water being mixed together does it become Chametz? a) 22 b) 18 c) 24 d) 36 e) 1 hour f) 16 minutes 8) How many different parts of the Seder are there? a) 10 b) 12 c) 15 d) 18 e) 20 f) 36 9) What is the last thing we do at the Seder? a) Sing Dayenu b) Drink a cup of wine c) Ask the 4 questions d) Say Hallel e) Sing L'shana Habaah B'Yerushalayim f) Sing Chad Gadya 10) How many plagues were there in Egypt? a) 8 b) 10 c) 12 d) 18 e) 20 f) 25
Pesach Questions
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