He'll go to see friends in Cardiff. - Aiff e i weld ffrindiau yng Nghaerdydd., They'll meet their friends in the pub. - Gwnan nhw gwrdd â'u ffrindiau yn y dafarn., How will you (ti) come to the party? - Sut doi di i'r parti?, Will you (chi) help please? - Wnewch chi helpu plîs?, We'll do the shopping. - Gwnawn ni'r siiopa., She'll have fun. - Caiff hi hwyl., When will your sister go away? - Pryd aiff eich chwaer i ffwrdd?, I'll make the tea if you (ti) make the supper. - Gwna i'r te os gwnei di'r swper., What will they do tomorrow? - Beth wnân nhw yfory?, Why will you (chi) drive to the village? - Pam gwnewch chi yrru i'r pentref?, Will we see the new film in the cinema? - Wnawn ni weld y ffilm newydd yn y sinema?, I'll wait until September to go on holidays. - Gwnaf i aros tan mis Medi i fynd ar wyliau., The children will sleep late next week. - Gwnaiff y plant gysgu'n hwyr wythnos nesaf., Dad will cook tonight, for a change! - Gwnaiff Dad goginio heno, am newid!, Ble will we have dinner tonight? - Ble cawn ni ginio heno?, What will you do (chi) tomorrow night? - Beth wnewch chi nos yfory?, They won't cook tonight. - Wnân nhw ddim coginio heno., I won't go running in the rain. - Af i ddim i redeg yn y glaw., She won't have fun. - Chaiff hi ddim hwyl., We won't come over later. - Ddown ni ddim draw yn hwyrach.,

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