1) "another" is used with singular, countable nouns when smthg is not specific (day, word, banana....) a) TRUE b) FALSE 2) we can use "another" with plural nouns + numbers (another 2 days, another 3 words...) a) TRUE b) FALSE 3) "other" is used with plural countable and uncountable nouns, wnen smthg is not specific (days, words, bananas, music, advice...) a) TRUE b) FALSE 4) "the other" is used when something is specific, part of a group, one of two things a) TRUE b) FALSE 5) "others", "the others" are used when we don't mention a word (some people like sweets, but others don't) a) TRUE b) FALSE 6) Jane is here. Where are the _ _ _ ? a) another b) other c) others 7) This pen doesn't write. Can I have _ _ _ pen, please? a) other b) another c) others 8) Some languages are difficult to learn, _ _ _ languages are easier. a) others b) another c) other 9) Some fruit are very tasty, _ _ _ are not. a) other b) others c) another 10) I'd like to visit some _ _ _ European countries. a) others b) other c) another 11) I like this city so much that I’m going to spend __________ three days here a) others b) another c) the others 12) Some little children like porridge, _ _ _ do not. a) other b) others c) another 13) John is still hungry. Give him _ _ _ sandwich, please! a) others b) other c) another 14) Some people can drive cars and ride horses, _ _ _ people will never do it. a) another b) others c) other 15) I'm thirsty, may I have _ _ _ cup of tea? a) another b) other c) others 16) Some people like it when it rains, _ _ _ don't a) other b) another c) others 17) He was given _________ couple of days to finish the presentation a) other b) the other c) another 18) You know, I don't like these notebooks. Let's ask for ________ a) other b) others c) anothers 19) Don’t worry about the rain. We can go ________ day. a) another b) other day c) the other day 20) - What's new? - We are having __________ baby - Congrats! a) another b) the other c) others
Another - other - the other - others - the others
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