steel plow - made it easier to clear fields, mechanical reaper - made it easier to harvest wheat , cotton gin - helped remove the seeds from cotton, interchangeable parts - identical machine made parts, Erie Canal - man-made waterway which made it more efficient to transport goods, Eli Whitney - inventor of the cotton gin and interchangeable parts, steamboat - made it possible to travel upstream; improved transportation, telegraph - made it easier to communicate across long distances, Samuel Morse - inventor of the telegraph, Robert Fulton - inventor of the steamboat, textile mill - a factory that produces cloth, mass production - the production of large quantities of one manufactured good, Causes of industrialization - inventions, War of 1812, improvements in transportation, factories, Effects of industrialization - urbanization, mass production, manufactured goods were produced more efficiently, urbanization - the movement of people from the farms to the cities, effects of urbanization - overcrowding, disease, crime, poverty, Northeast - location of where the Industrial Revolution occurred in the U.S., Free enterprise - economic system where there is little government interference and the availability of goods is determined by supply and demand, Industrial Revolution - a change in how things were made; goods were produced by machines in factories, factory system - idea introduced by Francis Cabbot Lowell; cloth was produced from start to finish in one factory,
Industrial Revolution
8th Grade
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