HENCE - The prime minister was attending the conference, ______ all the extra security., ALBEIT - Proposals (max 500 words) should present a detailed, ______ provisional, argument that responds to a clearly stated question with a logical progression of claims and perhaps sketch of theories, references, motivations., CONVERSELY - Large objects appear to be closer. ______, small objects seem farther away., HENCEFORTH - She announced that ______ she would be running the company., NOTWITHSTANDING - ______ their youth and inexperience, the team won the championship., WHEREAS - Some of these species have flourished, ______ others have struggled., THEREBY - "How to Minimize Infection and ______ Maximize Patient Outcomes in Total Joint Arthroplasty: A Multicenter Approach", PACE - ______ Derrida, this approach may imply less a contradiction than an enabling feature of modernity., FOR - She remained silent, ______ her heart was heavy and her spirits low., WHILE - ______ I fully understand your point of view, I also have some sympathy with Michael's., ALL THE SAME - It rained every day of our holiday - but we had a good time ______., SINCE - ______ he had very little money, James decided he should look for work., OWING TO - ______ a lack of funds, the project will be discontinued next year., IN CASE - They decided to store their valuables in a vault ______ somebody decided to burgle their home., IF - ______ they burgle your home, you will lose all your valuables., HOWEVER - I needed to be at work by 8:00 this morning; ______, the train was late, and I didn´t get there until 8:20., NEVERTHELESS - I need to be at work on time; ______, I can´t manage my time in the mornings well and keep arriving late.,
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