Traipsed - Walked casually, Brimmed - Filled to the top, overflowing, hankering - To really want something, Chuckled - laughed, gaze - Looked at, aisle - A path between rows of seats, terrace - A nice area outside next to a building or house, expertise - Knowing a lot about something, boutonniere - Flowers worn on a jacket for special occasions, paced - Walking with a quick speed sometimes back and forth, puttered - Move with or make quick sounds, usher - To show someone to his or her seat, gripped - To hold something tightly, mantle - The outside area of a fireplace, slick - wet, sake - thinking of someone else, sauntering - Walk slowly and casually, trudged - Walked slowly with heavy steps, tromped - Walked heavily, faring - How someone is doing, Drifts - Sand or snow piled up by wind or water,



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