1) this Supreme Court ruled that separate but equal is okay, thus creating the Jim Crow style laws in the SOUTH a) Brown v Board b) Plessy v Ferguson c) Sweatt Painter d) Jim Crow 2) How did Jackie Robinson cross "color lines"? a) by being the first man to hit a homerun b) becoming the first African American to hit a homerun c) becoming the first African American to win a medal of honor d) by being the first African American in major league baseball 3) this Supreme Court case ruled to end segregation of public schools and overturned the previous ruling on "separate but equal" a) Brown v Board b) Plessy v Ferguson c) Sweatt v Painter d) Hernandez v Texas 4) this Supreme Court case ruled that the University of Texas did not provide equal facilities or opportunities for African American law students a) Brown v Board b) Plessy v Ferguson c) Sweatt v Painter d) Hernandez v Texas 5) this amendment eliminated poll taxes in federal elections a) 13th b) 14th c) 24th d) 26th 6) The Civil Rights Act of 1965 resulted in what? a) eliminated poll taxes in federal elections b) suspended literacy test c) prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion or ethnic origin in hotels, restaurants, and all places of employment doing business d) allowed 18 year olds to vote 7) What resulted from the Voting Rights Act of 1965? a) ended discrimination based off gender in the work place b) ended poll taxes, suspended literacy test that were designed to prevent African Americans from voting c) became a rally cry for the Civil Rights Movement d) an organization that fought for rights of minorites 8) What resulted from Executive Order 9981? a) authorized the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II b) changing the age of voting from 21 to 18 years of age c) executive order abolished discrimination "on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin" in the United States Armed Forces d) encouraged the use of eugenics on minorities 9) What amendment outlaws Slavery a) 13th b) 14th c) 15th d) 16th 10) What amendment provides equal protection under the law and has been used to argue numerous Supreme Court Cases? a) 13th b) 14th c) 15th d) 16th 11) What amendment states no vote shall be denied by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous servitude? a) 13th b) 14th c) 15th d) 16th 12) What amendment grants women the right to vote a) 13th b) 15th c) 17th d) 19th 13) this piece of legislation prohibits discrimination based off gender in any school or other education program? a) Title IX b) Affirmative Action c) Executive Order 9981 d) Equal Rights Amendments 14) this was a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution designed to guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex? a) Title IX b) Affirmative Action c) Executive Order 9981 d) Equal Rights Amendments 15) this was a set a policies and practices within a government or organization seeking to increase the representation of particular groups based on their gender, race, sexuality, creed or nationality in areas in which they are underrepresented such as education and employment. a) Title IX b) Affirmative Action c) Executive Order 9981 d) Equal Rights Amendments 16) What amendment changed the voting age from 21 to 18? a) 13th b) 19th c) 24th d) 26th 17) She wrote the book The Feminine Mystique which challenged the ideas of the traditional role of women and created the National Organization of Women a) Phyllis Schlafly  b) Gloria Steinem c) Betty Frieden d) Francis Perkins 18) She was a co-founder for Ms. Magazine and was a strong advocate for women's rights? a) Phyllis Schlafly b) Gloria Steinem c) Betty Frieden d) Francis Perkins 19) She was an advocate for workers rights, and became the first woman to serve on any presidential U.S. Cabinet a) Phyllis Schlafly b) Gloria Steinem c) Betty Frieden d) Francis Perkins 20) He was the leader of United Farm Workers, and the Chicano Movement helping farm workers a) Cesar Chavez b) Dolores Huerta c) Hector P Garcia d) Diego Rivera 21) She assisted Chavez in advocating rights for Chicano workers and women's rights a) Cesar Chavez b) Dolores Huerta c) Hector P Garcia d) Diego Rivera 22) He was a World War II veteran and physician that advocated from Chicano rights, and became the 1st Mexican American member of U.S. Civil Rights Commission a) Cesar Chavez b) Dolores Huerta c) Hector P Garcia d) Diego Rivera 23) He was a pioneer in the Chicano Mural Movement a) Cesar Chavez b) Dolores Huerta c) Hector P Garcia d) Diego Rivera 24) this was founded in 1968, and addressed systemic issues of poverty and police brutality against Native Americans a) Black Panthers b) SNCC c) AIM d) Freedom Riders 25) this movement encourage pride and was a slogan adopted by the Black Panters a) Red Power b) Black Power c) Brown Power 26) He was the leader of the Civil Rights Movement and practiced non violent means of protesting such as civil disobedience a) Malcom X b) Martin Luther King Jr c) Booker T Washington d) W.E.B DuBoies 27) He questioned Kings methods of nonviolence and advocating people to take their rights "by any means necessary" a) Malcom X b) Martin Luther King Jr c) Booker T. Washington d) W.E.B. DuBois 28) He would be compared to King in his advocating for gradually change in the Black Community and founder of the Tuskegee University a) Malcom X b) Martin Luther King Jr c) Booker T Washington d) W.E.B. DuBois 29) He would be compared to Malcom X as he advocated for more forceful changes to help the Black Community, and founded the NAACP a) Malcom X b) Martin Luther King Jr c) Booker T Washington d) W.E.B. DuBois 30) this group was formed to give younger blacks more of a voice in the Civil Rights movement. They also played a larger role in the Freedom Rides aimed at desegregating bus depots. a) The Black Panthers b) Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee SNCC c) Southern Christian Leaders Conference d) Nation of Isalm 31) this group was founded in 1966 by College students Huey P Newton and Bobby Seale. They would provide a breakfast program, and advocated self defense for black communites a) The Black Panthers b) Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee SNCC c) Southern Christian Leaders Conference d) Nation of Islam e) Congress of Racial Equality CORE 32) African American movement and organization founded in 1930 and known for its teaching combining elements of traditional Islam and Black nationalist ideas a) The Black Panthers b) Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee SNCC c) Congress of Racial Equality CORE d) Nation of Islam 33) this is an African American civil rights organization founded in 1957 by MLK and Ralph Abernathy and is responsible for boycott of Montgomery bus system a) Congress of Racial Equality CORE b) Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee SNCC c) Southern Christian Leaders Conference d) Nation of Islam 34) She refused to give her seat up on a bus, this action spurred support for the African Americans and resulted in a boycott of the bus systems in Montgomery Alabama a) Rosa Parks b) Gloria Steinem c) Betty Friedan 35) This series of protest fought the segregation of the bus terminals in the south and was organized by SNCC a) Selma March b) Letter from Birmingham Jail c) March on Washington d) Freedom Rides 36) This series of protest was in response to a refusal to give up a seat on a bus, and led to change of legislation and ended segregation of public transportation a) Selma March b) Montgomery Bus Boycott c) March on Washington d) Letter from Birmingham Jail 37) this series of protest were attempted several times and met with hostility and violent acts by the local police. These protest led to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 a) Letter from Birmingham Jail b) Selma March c) March on Washington  d) Freedom Rides 38) this was a massive protest that occured when thousands gathered in front of the Lincoln Monument and Martin Luther King Jr, gave his famous "I have a dream speech" a) Selma March b) Little Rock Nine c) March on Washington d) letter from Birmingham Jail 39) this was a form of protest and responding to white clergymen asking King to wait and be more patient. This would encourage many to join the fight for Civil Rights and led to the rise in attendance at the March on Washington a) Little Rock Nine b) Letter from Birmingham Jail c) Montgomery Bus Boycott d) Selma 40) What role did Orval Faubus play in the Civil Rights Movement? a) He organized and was part of the freedom rides but unfortunately was hospitalized after being violently attack by white racist b) He ordered the Arkansas National Guard to surround the all white Little Rock High School and refuse to desegregate c) He was the governor of Alabama and stood at the door to the University of Alabama to prevent two African American students from entering 41) What role did George Wallace play in the Civil Rights Movement? a) He organized and was part of the freedom rides but unfortunately was hospitalized after being violently attack by white racist b) He ordered the Arkansas National Guard to surround the all white Little Rock High School and refuse to desegregate c) He was the governor of Alabama and stood at the door to the University of Alabama to prevent two African American students from entering 42) This event led to President Eisenhower ordering the 101st Airborne to go and protect several African American students attempting to go to school after the order was given to END segregation. a) Montgomery Bus Boycott b) Little Rock Nine c) Freedom Rides d) Lunch Counter Sit ins 43) He was an Evangelical Christian preacher and spiritual advisor to many U.S. Presidents, was a staunch anti-communist, and an outspoken opponent of segregation and even bailed MLK out of jail several times a) Thurgood Marshall b) Orval Faubus c) Billy Graham d) Lyndon B Johnson 44) Which political cartoon reflects this statements main idea "black men- whether free or enslaved- had no rights, and are considered property"" a) b) c) d) 45) this groups form of protest from sit ins at the whites only lunch counters. group members would be spit on, food thrown on, and beaten and would remain non-violent a) The Black Panthers b) Congress of Racial Equality CORE c) Ku Klux Klan d) Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee SNCC

Civil Rights

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