Period 6 (1865-1898): Industrial capitalism, Trusts, Monopolies, Holding Companird, Laissez-faire , People’s (Populist) Party, Political Machines , Transcontinental railroad(s), Dawes Severalty Act, Gilded Age , Social Darwinism, Gospel of Wealth, Social Gospel, Jane Addams/Settlement Houses, Progressives, Plessy v. Ferguson, Treaty of Fort Laramie, Massacre at Wounded Knee, Ghost Dance, Jacob Riis "How the Other Half Lives", Period 7 (1898-1945): Progressive Era , Amendments (#16, 17, 18, 19, 21), Prohibition, Preservationists/Conservationists , Imperialists/Anti-Imperialists , Isolationism, Spanish American War , Woodrow Wilson, World War I , American Expeditionary Force , Treaty of Versailles , League of Nations, Great Migration , Harlem Renaissance , Red Scare , Immigration quotas/restrictions, Great Depression , Franklin Roosevelt , New Deal , Roosevelt Corollary,

Must Know Term Sort Period 6 and 7

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