This was a fear of communism that led to a fear of immigrants during the 1920s. - Red Scare, This person's use of the assembly line revolutionized how we mass produce products. - Henry Ford, This Amendment banned the sale of Alcohol in the U.S. It was repealed a decade later. - 18th Amendment, This was a flourishing of African American culture in places like Harlem during the 1920s. - Harlem Renaissance, These 1920s women went against traditional women's roles. They smoked, drank, and wore revealing clothing. - Flappers, This was the movement of millions of African Americans to the north after World War I. - The Great Migration, This was the president during most of the Great Depression - Franklin D. Roosevelt, This was a major drought during the 1930s which covered many areas of the midwest in dust - Dust Bowl, This was FDR's plan to end the Great Depression - New Deal, This New Deal program protects your money if a bank fails. - FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corp), This New Deal Program offers financial assistance to the elderly and disabled - Social Security, This was FDR's plan to pack the Supreme Court with his own hand-chosen justices. - Court-packing plan, He was responsible for World War II - Adolf Hitler, This was the murder of six million Jewish people during World War II - The Holocaust, This president made the decision to drop two atomic bombs on Japan, ending World War II - Harry Truman, This was a famous black pilot squad during World War II - Tuskegee Airmen, The Japanese attacked the United States, bringing the U.S. into the war at - Pearl Harbor, This was the creation of back-yard gardens so as to ration vegetables for the troops during World War II. - Victory Gardens, This was the imprisonment of Japanese Americans in camps during World War II - Japanese Internment, These American Indians were able to send coded messages during World War II by speaking their native language - Navajo Code Talkers,
AP Unit 7 Review
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