Cerebral cortex - Outer layer of the brain responsible for all higher-order thinking processes, Frontal lobe - Portion of the cerebral cortex responsible for decision-making, planning, judgment, impulse control, and other functions, Parietal lobe - Portion of the cerebral cortex largely responsible for logic, math, spatial reasoning, and fully responsible for processing the sensation of touch, Occipital lobe - Portion of the cerebral cortex at the back of the brain which is responsible for visual processing, Temporal lobe - Portion of the cerebral cortex near the temples which is responsible for auditory processing, Cerebellum - "Little brain", responsible for coordination, graceful thought & movement, procedural memory, Brainstem - Includes spinal cord, medulla, and pons, Medulla - Responsible for automatic functions like breathing and heartbeat, Pons - Portion of the brainstem, coordinates action with purpose, Reticular formation - Responsible for alertness & arousal, Hypothalamus - Controls the endocrine system, Hippocampus - Memory, Thalamus - Sensory switchboard - sends sensory information to the correct area of the brain, Amygdala - Strong emotional reactions, especially fear, triggers fight or flight , Corpus callosum - Band of tissue that connects the right and left hemisphere, Spinal cord - Connects brain to the rest of the nervous system, Pituitary gland - Connects to hypothalamus, boss of endocrine system,
Brain Parts
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