What is this the symbol for? , Draw the symbol for a device used to measure voltage., Describe one disadvantage of a series circuit., Is this a series circuit or a parallel circuit?, Draw a series circuit with 3 different components., Draw a parallel circuit with 3 different components., State the two types of charge., What will two positive charges do to one another?, What will opposite charges do to one another?, Draw the symbol for the device that measures current., If a series circuit with 3 identical bulbs has a supply voltage of 9V, what will the voltage of each bulb be?, If a series circuit has 4 bulbs each with a voltage of 7V, what is the supply voltage?, State one advantage of a parallel circuit., Is this a series or parallel circuit?, State two safety procedures we follow when carrying out an experiment., If a series circuit has a current of 12A, what will the current be at the 2nd bulb?, Will the current be the same at all points of a parallel circuit? , Which component produces a sound? Name and symbol, How do we check if a bulb and battery are working?, How many wires are used in this circuit?.
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