Do you have any special goals or dreams?, Do you dream about going somewhere specific?, Have you ever felt like you had nowhere to go, that you don't belong anywhere?, Have you lost anything recently?, Is there something you want to do at some point in life?, What's something everyone does that annoys you?, If you could do anything, what would you want to do?, If you could be anything or anyone, what or who would you like to be?, Is there something you're proud of?, Is there anyone who you look up to?, If you needed to choose someone to spend eternity with, who would you choose? Elaborate., If you were given the chance to choose somewhere to spend a one-year vacation, what place would you choose? Elaborate., If you had to choose something to take with you to help you survive anywhere, what would you choose? Elaborate. , Is there something you always have with you (that you take everywhere you go)?, What's something you eat or drink when you're having a bad day?, Has anybody ever let you down?, Have you ever let anybody down?, Do you trust anyone as soon as you meet the person?.
Conversation questions: Indefinite pronouns (some, any, no: -body/one, -thing, -where)
English grammar
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