Biosphere - The part of earth that contains all ecosystems. Ex. Whole world, everything living and nonliving, Ecosystem - All of the organisms living in a particular area, as well as the non-living physical components of the environment with which the organisms interact. Ex: Hawk, snake, bison, prairie dog, grass, stream, rocks, air, Community - Populations that live together in a defined area. Ex: Hawks, snakes, bison, prairie dogs, grass., Population - Group of organisms of one type that live in the same area. Ex. Bison herd, Organism - An individual living thing. Ex. Bison, Organ system - Consists of several organs that work together in performing a specific function. Ex. Digestive system, Organ - Made up of tissues that work together to perform a specific activity. Ex. Brain, Tissue - Made up of cells that are similar and work together to perform a specific function. Example: Muscle Tissue, Cell - Smallest functional unit of life. Example: Animal Cell, Organelle - Specialized part of a cell. Examples: Chloroplast and Mitochodria, Molecule - Groups of atoms; smallest unit of most chemical compounds. Examples: water, DNA, Atom - Smallest unit of matter that cannot be broken down. Examples: Hydrogen atom, Oxygen atom.,
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7th Grade
8th Grade
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