William is a scientist. - True, He makes robots to help people with their homework. - False, Arnold is Willam's friend. - False, Arnold doesn't like difficult work. - True, One day William is away and Arnold has to help him. - True, Arnold wants a robot tohelp him. - True, He presses the button and says 'Robot, wash the floor'. - True, The robot takes the bucket and throws it over the floor. - False, The robot fills the bucket with orange juice. - False, Arnold shouts 'Stop!', but the robot doesn't listen. - True, The laboratory is full of water. - True, The door opens and William is happy to see the mess. - False, William presses some buttons and the robot stops still. - True, Finally, Arnold has to tidy up the laboratory. - True,
SM3_unit 3_Arnold and the robot. True or False
Super Minds 3
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