True: You should always wear a lab coat, gloves, and goggles., You should always be aware of the location of safety equipment in the lab. , In a lab investigation, you should use tongs to pick up any hot glassware., You should wear goggles to protect your eyes., Eating and drinking are not permitted in the science lab., When you are smelling something in the lab, you should waft to wift., There is no horse playing allowed in the lab., When in the lab, you should wear glasses instead of contacts when possible., Lose clothing should be secured when working in the lab., Rinse eyes when needed., False: You should never tie your long hair back during a lab., A lab coat will not help protect your body or clothes from chemicals., You should wear open toe shoes in the lab., It is appropriate to use glassware that is broken in the lab., Electrical cords should be placed in the middle of lab floor., You should not worry about having a clean and neat work area in the lab., You should always do labs without being directed by the teacher., You do not need to notify the teacher if there is a spill in the lab.,
Lab Safety
5th Grade
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