sightseeing - looking at famous or interesting places, facilities - things which a hotel offers, e.g. TV, swimming pool, gym, cruise - a holiday on ship, guests - the people staying in a hotel, platform - the place where a train stops and people get on and off, view - everything you can see from where you are standing, guidebook - it has information about places, restaurants, hotels and other things, map - you can look at this and see where to go, passport - you need to show this when you travel to a different country, rucksack - kind of luggage which you carry on your back, single ticket - you buy this for a journey when you don’t want to come back, suitcase - kind of luggage which you don’t carry on your back, sun cream - you put this on your skin to stop it burning, tent - you can sleep in this when you go camping, torch - you use this to see in the dark, trunks - men wear these to go swimming,
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