In February 2007, about two hundred paragliders were in Australia for a few days to prepare for the World Championship. They ____ Ewa Wisnierska, a German ____. One morning, as the ____ were getting ready ____, they noticed that a ____ was approaching. However, they decided ____. After all, these were the best paragliders in the world; they were certainly ____ enough ____ some dark clouds. Or ____. ____, as the competitors ____, the weather quickly ____. That was the start of the most terrifying and dangerous experience of her life. Ewa tried to ____ the storm, but two ____ clouds came together and trapped her.The clouds ____ inside the storm like a ____ in the wind. She flew higher and higher, with lightning and ____ all around her. "I was shaking", she told reporters ____. "The last thing I remember, it was dark. I could hear lightning all around me." She ____ nearly 10,000, - that's higher than the top of Mount Everest - and then ____. At that height, the temperature was about -40C and there was very ____. Death ____ For forty minutes, Ewa was ____. When she ____ she was still inside the storm. It was dark and ____ were flying ____. They were as big as tennis balls. But fortunately her glider, which was ____ above her head, was still ____.____, Ewa came out of the storm cloud and saw a small farm on the ground. She ____ it and landed ____. She fell to the ground and ____, too weak and ____ to call for help. When her team ____ her, she was 60 km away from the place where she ____. Goldfrey Wenness, the organiser of the championships, described Ewa as the luckiest woman in the world. "This is like winning the lottery ____. That's how lucky this woman is. There's no logical reason why she ____," he said. Sadly, a Chinese competitor was not as lucky as Ewa. He flew into the same storm and died.Ewa had ____ ____ her ears and legs and went to hospital for ____, but a few days later, she ____ in the World Championship. "Flying is too fantastic to stop because of the ____," she said
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