What is your favorite movie and what happens in it?, Tell me about your family., Tell me about your pets or the pet you would like to have., What kind of music do you like to listen to?, Tell me about what you watch on TV., What is your favorite toy to play with or what toy do you wish you had?, Tell me about your favorite video games., Tell me about a funny or scary dream you had., What do you want to do when you grow up?, How do you celebrate the 4th of July?, How do you celebrate Easter?, What do you do for Halloween? What did you dress up last time and what do you want to be this year?, What do you do for Valentine’s Day?, What do you do for Christmas and what is your favorite thing about it?, What do you do for Thanksgiving?, When is your birthday and what did you do for your last birthday? What do you want to do for your next birthday?, What is your favorite animal and why?, What is your favorite movie?, Do you have any hidden talents?, What is your favorite color and why?.
Conversation Starters Set 1
Speech therapy
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