Algorithm - A complete, well-defined sequence of steps for completing a task or solving a problem., Computer - An electronic machine that can solve different problems, process data, store & retrieve data and perform calculations., Computer Science - The study of the principles and use of computers., Computer Program - A sequence of instructions or steps, written in a language that can be understood by a computer, that will be used by the computer to complete a task or solve a problem., Debug - A process of locating and removing computer program bugs, fixing errors or abnormalities., Programming Language - A vocabulary and set of grammatical rules for instructing a computer or computing device to perform specific tasks., Block - Puzzle-piece shapes that are used to create code., Script - Different types of blocks linked together., Sprite - An object which performs functions controlled by scripts., Stage - The background of a project, performs functions through scripting., Costume - A costume is one out of possibly many “frames” or alternate appearances of a sprite., X Position - The position that a sprite or the mouse is at along the horizontal axis., Y Position - The position that a sprite or the mouse is at along the vertical axis., Loop - A type of block that causes other code to run multiple times in succession. A control flow statement that allows code to be executed repeatedly based on a given Boolean condition., Nested Loop - A loop used inside the body of another loop.,
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