Finish: I’m really looking forward to …, Name three qualities a teacher is supposed to have., Rephrase with modals: It isn’t necessary to work at the weekend., If you could go anywhere tomorrow, where would you go? Why?, Finish: When I pass my English test, I’m going …, Rephrase: We last saw each other six months ago. _____________ for six months., Name three things you can’t help doing., Rephrase: There’s a train from Paris at 7.15. Use the verb "arrive"., Finish: I'll buy an ice cream if ..., Name three things you used to hate doing as a child., Rephrase: He doesn’t need to cook tonight. Use "have"., What would have been different about your life if you had grown up in another country?, What should be done about rubbish on the streets?, Make a sentence with "for a month", Tell about your plans for the nearest month., Ask your partner a question using conditional 1., Finish: I promise ..., Rephrase: My mom has made this borshch. This borshch ..., What were you doing yesterday at 5 pm?, Finish: I will be sick unless I…..
B1. Revision Grammar Speaking
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