Alliteration - 'the cold, crisp, crust of clean, clear ice.', Alliteration - 'Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.', Alliteration - 'Black bug bit a big black bear.', Facts - 'Today the temperature is 25C.', Facts - 'Your heart pumps blood through your body.', Facts - 'Some people keep dogs as pets.', Opinion - 'Pizza is better than pasta.', Opinion - 'Dogs are the best pet.', Opinion - 'It's too hot today.', Repetition - 'It's true, honestly, it's true.', Repetition - 'If you repeat on purpose, repetition is gorgeous..', Repetition - 'She was young the way an actual young person is young.', Emotive language - 'He was desperate for food, ravenously hungry.', Emotive language - 'You should recycle because it saves the planet.', Emotive language - 'You should put that stuff in the basket as it will reduce mum’s work.', Statistics - '80% of people think we need more hoidays.', Statistics - '8/10 cats prefer whiskers cat food.', Statistics - 'The economy grew by 5%.', Triplet - 'The mouse chewed, gnawed and pulled at the rope.', Triplet - 'Hatred was spreading everywhere, blood was being spilled everywhere, wars were breaking out everywhere..', Triplet - 'He was learning that the only way to win was to be quicker, smarter and meaner.'',
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