A person who likes to keep everything in order and nice. Always knows where their things are.: Organized, Planned, Neat, A person who asks a lot of questions and wantes to find out more about the world around them.: Curious, Adventurous, Playful, A person who is always on time. Other people know that they will keep their promises.: Dependable, Punctual, Stable, A person who cares about other people and always wants to assist/help other people.: Warm, Compassionate, Sympathetic, A person who will do anything at any time sometimes without thinking first. Sometimes likes dangerous things.: Spontaneous, Daring, Impulsive, A person who will stand up for what is right even if it is not what others think. Tries not to be afraid.: Brave, Courageous, Bold, A person who looks to find answers to their questions. Always works to solve problems no matter what.: Determined, Hard-working, Persistent,
Career Adjectives
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
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