classification - A way of grouping things based on similar characteristics., classification key - A series of questions about the organism's physical characteristics., living - Alive now or once was alive. Has all of the 7 characteristics from MRS GREN, non-living - Not alive now and never was alive. Does not possess all of the 7 MRS GREN characteristics e.g. fire., vertebrate - Living things with a backbone e.g. dogs, fish and humans., invertebrate - Living things without a backbone e.g. fly, spider, jellyfish., amphibian - Cold-blooded vertebrate animals (e.g. frogs and toads) that have gills and live in water as young but breathe air as adults., bird - Warm-blooded, egg-laying animals that have vertebrae, or a backbone. They are different from mammals because they lay hard-shelled eggs and have feathers., fish - An animal that lives in water and has fins for swimming and gills for breathing., reptile - A cold-blooded animal (as a snake, lizard, turtle, or alligator) that breathes air and usually has the skin covered with scales or bony plates., mammal - An animal that breathes air, has a backbone, and grows hair at some point during its life. In addition, all females have glands that can produce milk., environment - All of the conditions that affect a living thing, organism - A living thing made up of one or more cells and able to carry on the activities of life (e.g. using energy, growing, or reproducing)., characteristic - Any feature that helps identify something.,
Year 6 Living Things - Key Vocabulary
Living things
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