structure - This is like the blueprints to a house or ship, every type of writing will have it?, style - This is like the decorations of a home or ship, it makes it unique and interesting?, KWO - This structure item helps us to remember the main idea of the text?, symbols, numbers, abbreviations - An unlimited number of these are allowed on a KWO?, dress-ups - This stylistic technique is underlined in our papers?, vocabulary - This in our papers is always marked with a (VOC)? , 3 - The number of key words allowed on each line of our KWO?, dates - These numbers are always left as numerals?, spelled out - Numbers that are one or two words are always what?, left as numerals - Numbers of three or more words are what?, never - A sentence should __________ begin with a numeral?, plagiarism - Copying someone else's written work is called what?, stealing - When you copy someone else's intellectual property it is considered what?, no - When a date is plural do we use an apostrophe?, adverb - This modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb?, who - This relative pronoun is used to represent people, personified animals, or pets?, which - This relative pronoun is used to represent things?, 1-3 key words - The title rule uses what from the final sentence?, true - To form a title, sometimes key words in the last sentence need to be changed?, commas - Use what when a who/which clause isn't essential to the sentence?,
Wonders of Science IEW Lesson 5 Review (Lesson 1-5)
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