Baroque - Features harpsichord and mainly strings, Ornaments - a decoration in the music, Trill - Rapid twiddly notes, Forms - Binary, Ternary, Rondo, Binary Form - AB, Ternary Form - ABA, Rondo Form - ABACAD, Unison/Octaves - All together at the same time or an octave apart, Homophonic - All move rhythmically together, but notes are different, Polyphonic/Contrapuntal - All parts are rhythmically and harmonically independent, Contrary Motion - Parts move in opposite directions at the same time, Pedal - Long held note or repeated note in the lower part (Bass), Inverted Pedal - Long held note or repeated note in the higher part, Canon (Round) - Overlapping repeating melodies, Ground Bass - Baroque - A repeated bass line, Symphony - Whole Orchestra, Concerto - Solo instrument with orchestra, Alberti Bass - Classical - A broken chord accompaniment in the left hand., Cadenza - When the soloist shows off in a concerto, usually near the end., Countermelody - A melody that plays alongside the main melody., Chromatic - Moving in semitones (up or down), Impressionism - Dreamy and hazy sounding, Whole Tone Scale - Impressionist music - scale that is made up of only tones., Discord - A chord in which certain notes clash., Minimilsm - Music based on simple rhythms and repeated notes.,
N5 Music Styles
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