Friendly Opening: How's it going?, It was great to see you earlier., Lovely to hear from you., Thanks for your message., Apologising: I'm so sorry for taking ages to get back to you., Sorry, it's been so hectic here., Sorry, I've been rushed off my feet at work., The Reason for Writing the E-mail: I'm e-mailing because...., I need to pick your brains about something., When we were chatting the other day you mentioned....., Making Requests: Do you think you could....?, Would you mind......?, I wonder if you could....?, Could you possibly....?, I'm just wondering if......?, Replying to a Request: Here's the attachment you asked for., I can't really help you out with that one., Can I get back to you with that after the meeting?, Making Arrangements: Are you free to meet up later on?, Shall we meet tomorrow? How about 11ish?, Do you want to talk about it at that new café?, I'll give you a bell later on this evening., I'll get Sue to drop you a line., Closing the E-mail: Hopefully see you soon...., Good luck with the......, Looking forward to catching up with you soon., Let me know if you need any more info.,
Parts of an Informal Letter/ E-mail
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