Cell - Building block of all organisms, Cell Membrane - “Skin”around a cell which controls what enters or leaves the cell, Cell Wall - Outer structural wall of plant cells, made of cellulose, Cellulose - Material which gives cell walls strength, very difficult for humans to digest, Chlorophyll - Green chemical found in chloroplast and is needed for photosynthesis, Chloroplast - Part of plant cell responsible for photosynthesis, Ciliated Epithelial cell - Cell with tiny hairs (cilia) found in throat and nose which pushes mucus out of the body., Cover slide - Thin layer of glass placed over an object when viewing through a microscope, Cytoplasm - Liquid inside all cells in which food can be stored., Diffusion - Movement of particles from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration, Fertilisation - Fusing of the male and female gametes to form a zygote, Gamete - Male or female sex cell. Sperm or ovum in humans. Pollen or ovule in plants., Iodine - Stain used to see nuclei in plant cells under a microscope, Methylene Blue - Stain used to see nuclei in animal cells under a microscope, Mitochondria - Part of cell where respiration occurs, Nerve Cell - Long thin cell, which passes electric messages around the body., Nucleus - Control centre of cells, carries genetic information, Organ - Collection of tissues which carry out specific functions in organisms, Organ System - Collection of organs which carry out a range of functions, Organism - Living thing, Palisade Cell - Found in leaves, tall cell with lots of chloroplasts for photosynthesis., Red blood cell - Cell with no nucleus which carries oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body, Root hair cell - Plant cell with very big surface area designed to absorb water and minerals from the ground, Sperm Cell - Small cell with a tail for swimming, carries male genetic information to the egg for fertilisation, Tissue - Collection of cells which make up parts of an organ, Vacuole - Part of a plant cell which stores water., Zygote - Fertilised cell which contains the nuclei from both male and female gametes.,
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