True: The brain connects phrases using nexus such as and, then, or etc., We learn languages because we give a meaning to an object or thing that is in our word., Are the synonyms and antonyms part of the semantics?, Are the following group of words synonyms? Large/ Big - Small/ Tine - Clever/Smart., Are the following group of words antonyms? Early/Late - Before/After - Happy/Sad , This example is false or true according the semantics: She is wearing a long outfif too has a bible and holy rosary in the hand. , When somebody tell a proverb for example: OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND in Spanish is OJOS QUE NO VEN, CORAZON QUE NO SIENTE. , False: Are these phrases connected? I walk in the park, I go to my house., Are these words nexus? Yes, will, my, the., When we want to learn a language, we just need only listen the words and we are going to speak a new language. , When we are learning a new language, is not important to understand the meaning of the words., A speaker never connect simple meanings referents to the context.,
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