What do you like most about the place where you live?, Do you like eating out (e.g., restaurants)? Why (not)?, What, in your opinion, are the characteristics of a good friend?, What kind of TV shows do you like?, How do you think the Internet has changed the way people communicate?, Is it important to speak several languages? Why (not)?, How do you usually like to spend your free time?, What did you do on your last birthday?, Which time of year is your favorite? Why?, Do you prefer working on your own or with other people?, What sports do people play most in your country?, Why do people choose to live in cities? , Should a career be the most important thing in someone’s life?, What are you going to do on your next vacation?, What are your plans for the weekend?, What were your best vacations? Why?, What makes you feel stressed?, A nice childhood memory, What was your favorite toy or game when you were a child?, Are you an optimist or a pessimist?, How do you see yourself 10 years from now?, What do you think is the future of home office?, What do you think is the future of online education?.
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