solid - firm or stable in shape, liquid - a substance that flows easily but has constant volume - with particles close but moving around, gas - a substance with no fixed shape that will expand to fill the whole of a container - particles are far apart and moving around, heating - raising the temperature of something, cooling - lowering the temperature of something, freezing - turning into ice or another solid as a result of cooling, freezing point - 0 degrees celsius - The temperature at which a liquid turns into a solid., melting - turning into a liquid as a result of heating, melting point - the temperature at which a solid will melt, temperature - a measure of how hot or cold something is, condensation - the process of turning from vapour (a gas) into a liquid, evaporation - the process of turning from a liquid into a vapour (a gas), precipitation - rain, snow, sleet, dew, etc. formed by condensation of water vapour in the atmosphere, water cycle - the process by which water on Earth evaporates, then condenses in the atmosphere, and then returns to Earth in the form of precipitation, reversible change - a change that can be changed back again. Melting and heating are examples of reversible changes, irreversible change - a change that cannot be changed back again. Burning or mixing a liquid with bicarbonate of soda are examples of irreversible changes, particles - a tiny amount or small piece, boiling point - 100 degrees celsius - the point at which water begins to boil.,
Year 4 States of Matter - Key Vocabulary
Physical processes
Properties and changes of materials
States of Matter
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