1) What is a coping skill that you can use when you are feeling angry? a) Take deep breaths. b) Ignore my feelings. c) Yell at someone I care about. 2) What can you do when your schoolwork is hard? a) Ask the teacher for help. b) Put my head down. c) Walk out of the classroom. 3) What is a good coping skill when you are sad? a) Skip school. b) Ignore my friends and family. c) Think positive thoughts. 4) True or False: Breathing techniques are a good way to get calm. a) True. b) False. 5) What is an example of a positive coping skill? a) Taking deep breaths. b) Talking to a teacher. c) Talking to a friend. d) All of the above. 6) You are in PE and someone throws the ball at you. What could you do? a) Throw the ball back at them. b) Take a break from the game. c) Say something mean to the person who threw the ball. 7) True or False: It is important to take some time to think before reacting to big emotions. a) True. b) False. 8) When should we use coping skills? a) When we are experiencing big emotions.  b) Never. c) Only during school. 9) True or False: Your body gives you warning signs when you are feeling big emotions. a) False. b) True. 10) Who is in control of your emotions? a) Your mom. b) Your teacher. c) Your pet. d) Yourself.

Coping with Tough Emotions


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