a linguist - studies and often speaks a lot of languages, a conservationist - studies ways of protecting the environment, a geologist - studies rocks and the history of the Earth, a psychologist - studies how people behave and how their minds work, an archaeologist - studies people who lived thousands of years ago, a marine biologist - studies, observes and protects oceans, a scientist - a person having expert knowledge in science, behaviour - manner of acting yourself, environment - the air, water and land in or on which people, animals and plants live, evolution - change over time, solutions - the answer to a problem, an analyst - (nc) a person who analyses something., evidence - proof, a research paper - a document you can use to communicate the results of research findings, data - information or facts, to preserve - To save; to keep from harm; to protect, childhood - the period of time when a person is a child, ancestors - people who came before you in your family,
Focus 2 unit 2.3
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