1) When I visited ___ Paris, I saw __Eiffel Tower a) the, the b) a, the c) - , the 2) ____Pacific Ocean has many different types of fish. a) the b) a c) _ 3) Wild horses live in __ Gobi Desert a) the b) a c) - 4) __Nile is __ longest river in the world. It crosses ___ Sahara Desert. a) - , the, - b) the, the, the c) -, the, the 5) He has always wanted to visit ____ Rome, the capital of ___ Italy. a) the, - b) a, an c) -, - 6) She lived in ___ Asia for several years. a) the b) a c) - 7) __ Taj Mahal is a well-known tomb located in ____India. a) the, - b) the, the c) - , - 8) There is no other place like ____ Bali in this world. a) the b) a c) - 9) __Republic of Maldives, is a small archipelagic state in ___ South Asia situated in ___ Indian Ocean. It lies southwest of ___ Sri Lanka. a) -, the, the, - b) the, - ,the, - c) the, the, the, - 10) _________ highest mountain in __________ world is in __________ Himalayas and is called__________ Mount Everest. a) the, - , the, the b) the, the, -, - c) the, the, the, - 11) ____Greenland is ____ world’s largest island located between ___ Arctic and Atlantic oceans,and most of its surface is covered with ______ice. a) the, the, - , - b) - , the, the, - c) - , the, the, the
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