Preposition - A word used before a noun, noun phrase or pronoun to connect it to another word., Dependent preposition - A word that is always used with a particular noun, verb or adjective., Pronoun - A word that replaces or refers to a noun or noun phrase just mentioned., Punctuation - The symbols or marks used to organise writing into clauses, phrases and sentences to make the meaning clear., Quantifier - A word or phrase sush as 'much', 'few' which is used with a noun to show an amount., Question tag - A phrase such as 'isn't it' that is added to the end of a sentence to make it a question, or to check that someone agrees with the statement., Reported statement - When someone's words are reported by another person., Reporting verb - A verb such as 'tell', 'advise' used in indirect speech to report what someone has said., Subject - This is the noun or phrase that goes before the verb in a sentence to show who is doing the action., Subject-verb agreement - When the form of the verb matches the person doing th action of the verb., Tense - A form of the verb that shows whether something happens in the past, present or future., Third person - A verb or a pronoun which shows that somebody or something is being spoken about., Time expression - A word or phrase that indicates a time period, such as 'after'., Used to - A structure that shows something happened in the past but does not happen now., Verb - The word which follows the subject of a sentence, and is sometimes described as the action word., Base form of the verb - The infinitive form of a verb without 'to'., Modal verb - A verb used with other verbs to show ideas such as ability or obligation or possibility. , Verb pattern - The form of the words following the verb. He advised me to get there early (advise + object pronoun + to + base form).,

TKT Module 1 Unit 1 Grammar (31-49)

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