Connected speech - Spoken language in which the words join to form a connected stream of sounds. , Consonant - Any letter of the English alphabet except the vowels. , Contraction - A shorter form of a word or words. , Diphtong - A vowel combination usually involving a quick but smooth mouvement from one vowel to another. , Feature - An interesting or important part or characteristic of it. , Intonation - The way the level of a speaker's voice changes, often to show how they feel about something. , Linking - The way different sounds can link into each other in connected speech. , Minimal pair - Two words which are different from each other only by one meaningful sound, and by their meaning (hear - fear) , Phoneme - The smallest sound unit which can make a difference to meaning. , Rhyme - Words that sound the same. , Rhythm - A regular pattern of stress and syllabe length. , Sentence stress - Where différent words in a sentence are stresse. In English these are usually the information-carrying words. , Strong/weak forms - If the word is important/If the word is unstresssed. , Syllable - A part of a word that usually contains a single vowel sound. , Voiced sound/unvoiced sound - A way of pronouncing sounds with vibration or without vibration in the throat. , Vowel - One of the sounds shown by the letters a, e, I, o, u and sometimes y. ,
TKT Module 1 Unit 3 Phonology
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