Va al cine., He is going to the movie theater., Está comprando un boleto para la pelicula., He is buying a movie ticket., Le está dando su boleto al hombre., He is giving his ticket to the man., Está comprando palomitas y una bebida., He is buying popcorn and a drink., Está entrando., He is going inside (the movie theater)., Está buscando un asiento. Está sentándose., He is looking for a seat. He is sitting down., Está viendo la pelicula., He is watching the movie. , Está llorando. La pelicula es triste., He is crying. The movie is sad., Está limpiando el ojo., He is wiping his eyes. , El se está riendo., He is laughing (laffing) , Está aplaudiendo. La pelicula ha terminado., He is clapping. The movie is over. , Se está levantando. Está saliendo., He is getting up. He is leaving (the movie theater)..
The movie Theater
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