Springform pan - A cake pan that has a removeable bottom., Chopping board - A durable firm item made of wood/plastic used to cut food on, Rubber Spatula - A bendable rubber tool used to scrape remaining ingredients from the sides of the mixing bowl., Measuring spoons - A tool used in measuring small quantities of dry and liquid ingredients, Cake pans - Round, square, heart, paisley, hexagon, rectangle pans that comes in different sizes. Used to bake cakes, Grater/ Shredder - A tool used to cut chocolate and fresh fruits into small pieces, Wooden Spoon - A mixing tool preferred by bakers as it does not transfer bodily heat, Muffin pan - A baking pan with 12 formed cups used for baking cupcakes, mini cheesecakes and mini pies., Rolling pin - Used to flatten or roll fondant or dough, Mixing bowls - Used for mixing ingredients and batters, and also used as a container when sifting ingredients., Candy thermometer - Used to measure the temperature of boiled sugar., Whisk - A long, narrow handle with series of wire loops joined at the end. Commonly used to whip cream and egg whites., Cooling rack - A flat grid made of stainless steel used to cool cake quickly and evenly., Sieve - Used to sift and add air to flour and other dry ingredients, Sheet pan - Flat rimmed baking pan used to bake cookies and sheet cakes.,
Tools and Equipment in Baking; what am I?
Adult education
Cake Baking and Decorating
Food and Nutrition
Food Preparation
Baking Tools
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