1) I made sure to _______ papers with my address on them. a) shred b) sered c) shered d) sred 2) The girl made a loud ______ as she walked through the scary corn maze. a) sherek b) shriek c) shrek d) shreek 3) Mia had a _____ cocktail for a snack. a) sherimp b) srimp c) shrimp d) shrump 4) Certain fabrics will _______ if washed in too hot of water. a) sherink b) shernk c) shurink d) shrink 5) Jason studied his ______ in order to learn his lines. a) skeript b) sceript c) scrupt d) script 6) Lilly needed one last ______ to complete her project. a) skrew b) skurou c) screw d) scrou 7) Jeremy made a loud ______ sound when the spider crossed his foot. a) skrech b) screech c) skreech d) screch 8) Hank had to _________ up his room before he could play. a) straighten b) steraten c) straightin d) stratin 9) Mark's snow pants have adjustable ________. a) straps b) steraps c) streps d) strups 10) Stella moved a _______ of hair out of her face so she could see. a) strend b) strand c) sterand d) sterend 11) Jason was excited to see the first carrot ______ in his garden. a) sperout b) sprought c) sprout 12) Hunter decided to _________ out al over the floor. a) sperall b) spral c) speral d) sprawl 13) Batman _______ into action when he saw the bat signal. a) sperang b) spurng c) sperung d) sprang 14) Katie started ________ around in the kiddie pool. a) spashing b) splaching c) splashing d) spaching 15) Gabby got a giant ink _______ on her skirt. a) sploch b) splotch c) sploche d) splotche 16) Nathan loves the _______ he gets when riding roller coasters. a) thrill b) therill c) theril d) thril 17) Daniel's thumb started to _______ after he burned it. a) throb b) therob c) throbb d) throbbe 18) Sara's _____ was sore after the choir concert. a) therot b) throat c) theroat d) throt 19) Jackie and Hillary went to the _______ shop on Friday. a) therift b) thirift c) thrift d) thurift 20) As she passed his office, she glanced ________ the open door. a) threw b) threough c) therough d) through

4th Grade Wonders U2 W3 Spelling

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