GOOD CLASSROOM SKILLS: Is polite to others, Comes to school on time, Pays attention to instructions, Practices the classroom values, Comes to school prepared, Works hard , Helpful to others, Asks questions when they're not sure, Tells the truth about a mistake, Stays calm, Takes deep breaths, Raises hand to ask a question, POOR CLASSROOM SKILLS: Ignores their problems, Does not practice good listening skills, Ignores school norms, Does not take for self-care, Does not wait their turn to speak in class, Does not talk politely to peers, Only cares about themselves, Blames others for mistakes, Is not kind to others, Ignores personal needs. , Says mean things about themselves, Just speaks out when they want to,
Self Regulation Skills in classroom
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Social studies
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