ruins - the broken parts that are left of a building or town that has been destroyed, mosque - a building for Islamic religious activities and worship, stalls - a large table or a small shop with an open front from which goods are sold in a public place:, theme park - a large permanent area for public entertainment, with entertaining activities and big machines to ride on or play games on, restaurants, etc., sometimes all connected with a single subject, hire (a boat) - to pay to use something for a short period:, tower - a tall structure which can be a part of a building or stand alone, antiques - something very old and valuable, people collect it and pay big money for it, royal - connected to kings and queens, restore - to return something or someone to an earlier good condition or position:, rides - roller coasters, roundabouts, or other amusement ridden at theme parks, prayer - the act or ceremony of speaking to God or a god, esp. to express thanks or to ask for help, or the words used in this act:, medieval - related to the Middle Ages (= the period in European history from about AD 600 to AD 1500):,
Outcomes Intermediate 3.1 Vocabulary
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