Which is (good), English or math?, Who is (tall), your mom or your dad?, Which is (tasty), Coca-Cola or Pepsi?, Which is (good), McDonald’s or KFC?, Which is (healthy), salad or pizza?, Which is (fast), a horse or a tiger?, Which is (strong), a lion or a bear?, Who is (strong), superman or batman?, What is (expensive), gold or silver?, What is (big), the earth or the moon?, Which language is (difficult) to learn, English or Chinese?, What is (important), money or happiness?, Does social media make the world a (good) or (bad) place?, What’s the (delicious) food you have tried?, What’s the (expensive) thing you’ve bought?, Who’s (funny) person in your family?, When was (happy) moment in your life?, What subject are you (bad) at?, What subject are you (good) at?, Who is the (smart) person you know?, What’s the (strange) thing you have ever seen?, What is the (disgusting) food you have tried?, What is (good) song of all time?.
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives Speaking Cards
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