wonder - a masterpiece or a landmark globally admired, structure - a type of building, lush - growing thickly, beautifully, long gone - finished; not existing anymore, drain - to exhaust or empty, rise - to increase, soar - to rise, to go up, equivalent - sth equal to sth else, spring up - to suddenly appear, vertical farming - growing fruit & vegetables in tower blocks, solution - a liquid in which another substance has been dissolved, nutrients - substances that help plants/animals grow, food shortage - lack of food, environmentally friendly - not damaging the environment, power - to provide with energy, transport costs - the amount of money needed to move goods, local produce - fruit & vegetables grown locally, permanent light source - a continuing supply of light, industrial greenhouse - a large durable structure made to grow crops within a controlled environment, mankind - the human race, horizontally - parallel to the horizon, not vertically, consume - to use; to eat; to spend, convert - to change sth into sth else so as to use it for a different purpose, wasteland - an area of land that is not used,
ST8 M2f Definitions
8 класс
Starlight 8
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