frog was sad and wept, went tick-tock, act with the cast, hill to the camp, discuss the problem, up the fossil, the kitten ran, traffic is bad, a cube on the, big pine box, this pile of, wipe the wet, dime to save, hide in the cave, a jade vase, she made yams, made the cakes, gaze at the moon, ape is safe, are on the tray, the train came, in the peach tree, claim to fame, sleep to dream, the bang was, the sweet tune, heat the blacktop, cut his toe, the vine is , his arm made, her mom is, was born in, will bark for, fork is on, jar is with, hang it up, is that thing, sing a tune, stung by a , the wing of.
Fluency Phrases Level 1 and 2
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Orton Gillingham
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