1) to be well-off a) to pay the bill b) to be rich c) not to have enough money 2) to be loaded a) to scrape by b) to owe somebody c) to be rich (informal) 3) to be filthy rich a) to have a ridiculous amount of money b) to be poor c) to waste money 4) to rake it in a) to work in a bank b) to make a lot of money c) to owe somebody 5) money to burn a) to have a lot of debts and no money to pay back b) to have a lot of loans and to pay high interests c) to have a lot of money and no clue what to do with them 6) rolling in it (dough) a) to have no money b) to have a lot of cash c) to have a lot of debts 7) (to) make a killing a) to earn nothing b) to earn enough money to scrape by c) to earn a lot of money in a short time and with little effort 8) sitting on a gold mine a) to have gold hidden under your house b) to possess or have access to something that will yield a very large amount of money c) to possess a lot of valuable things 9) to be short on cash a) not having enough time to do something b) not having enough possibilities c) not having enough money 10) tight-fisted  a) to be unwilling to spend money b) to be unwilling to take a loan c) to be unwilling to rent a house 11) to be broke a) something is broken b) without accomodation c) without money 12) to be scraping by a) to manage to live without a man b) to manage to live when you do not have enough money and other necessary things c) to manage to live without a job 13) to live hand to mouth  a) to have just enough money to live on and nothing extra b) to work for food c) to work on several jobs 14) to break the bank a) to rob a bank b) to cost too much c) to come for free 15) to foot the bill a) to pay for something, esp. something expensive you were not supposed to pay b) to put the bill under the table c) to leave the restaurant without paying 16) money talks a) said about people or organizations that work with money b) said about people or organizations that are rich, and can therefore get or do what they want c) said about people or organizations that are raising money for charity

Money quiz


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