There are no two that are ever the same - snowflakes, they are sometimes called an evergreen - pine trees, another sweet treat that is usually red and white - peppermint , you decorate your tree with these - ornaments, this is a sweet treat, typically in the shape of a J - candy cane, what does santa put his presents in - sack, wear these to keep your hands warm, no fingers! - mittens, they can be real or fake, they look even better with lights! - Christmas tree, the stockings were hung by... - the chimney , what will you receive if you are good - presents!, what will you receive if you are bad - coal, you can build me if you get a lot of snow - snowman, we help santa prepare gifts for good boys and girls - elves, how does Santa get from house to house - his sleigh, Ho Ho Ho! - Santa, they are usually hung on doors as a decoration - wreath, he was the most helpful to Santa on foggy nights - Rudolph, How many reindeer are there - eight,
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