cliff - a large area of rock or a mountain with a very steep side, often at the edge of the sea or a river, greenery - green leaves and plants, forest - large area of land that is covered with trees, wood - a small forest, landscape - an area of countryside or land of a particular type, used especially when talking about its appearance, peak - the sharply pointed top of a mountain, scenery - the natural features of a particular part of a country that you can see, such as mountains, forests, deserts, rock - piece of rock, especially a large one that sticks up from the ground, valley - an area of lower land between two lines of hills or mountains, usually with a river flowing through it, sunset - the time of day when the sun disappears and night begins, Forest bathing - practice of connecting with nature and surrounding yourself with the energy of the natural world., coast - the area where the land meets the sea, beach - an area of sand or small stones at the edge of the sea or a lake, island - a piece of land completely surrounded by water, reed - a type of tall plant like grass that grows in wet places, ocean - ne of the very large areas of sea on the Earth’s surface,
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